He was even Santa Claus once

Anyone who knew Frank knows what a generally agreeable bloke he was. He always went with the flow, gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and his first instinct was to accept people who meant something to you. During my childhood and teens I never remember him taking against any of the friends I bought home or had for sleepovers, even if they acted entitled or ungrateful (and some did – you never really know some people's standards until they're guests in your house). Till the end of his days he loved Joanna, he loved Wendy and he loved Emily – I call her first born daughter princess sometimes partly I think because that's what he called Emily. Because when I look back on him there's something I remember about him (and I might have a slightly skewed perspective others might correct me on) but I remember him always being really good with kids. Whether it was one of the barbecues or new year's eve parties in the backyard in Gabo Place or school friends we sometimes ha...