The Waterboy

Now it's Christmas again that means one thing - swimming in a pool. Of everything I missed when I first moved out of home at 19 (there was probably a lot I didn't realised I missed until years later, like my mother's cooking), the biggest one was the pool. Our pool at Gabo Place was fairly legendary among my family and friends. When I look back now I'm in complete awe that Jan and Frank landscaped that rock wall around the outside all by themselves (did they do all the brick paving too? I can't remember). It would have been quite a job for any thirtysomething suburban couple back in the early 80s when they did it, but if you remember anything about my parents you'll know they didn't do anything harmoniously. I'm surprised someone didn't end up with their foot crushed by one of those huge river stones. As Brad said at Dad's funeral, the Turneys wanted to come to the Gabo Place pool even though they lived a stone's throw from Coogee beach. When...