What did (immediate) family mean to him?

Most of you know I have two grandchildren in my life. Amelia just turned six months old so she's like a very cute small animal who smiles at me occasionally and needs lot of care and food but we're not relating to each other as humans so much yet. But since I came back from America last time Lucas and I have become pretty inseparable. He loves coming to our house to the extent that sometimes when I drop him off or say goodbye he cries, which is heartbreaking. He stays over once a week. I pick him up from school and walk home with him, make his lunch the next morning, read to him in bed, tuck him in, and take him to his tae kwon do lesson once a week. We play lots of video games together, watch movies, sometimes we have 'boys nights', when we stay up as late as we want, make microwave popcorn, have whatever he wants for dinner and do whatever we (ie, he) wants to do. I don't know how close he is with any of the kids in his class and he's grown up an only...