
Most of my memories of time among my family from when I was a kid centre around mum. I suppose it was partly the social mores of the 1970s where the dad went to work and the mum stayed home to keep house and raise children. I remember my mother rejoining the workforce when I was in my very early teens (it might have been earlier), but a huge part of my father's identity throughout my early life life was of him being at work. We didn't see nearly as much of or interact with him as we did with mum. Depending on who you ask he either had an amazing work ethic or maybe wanted to spend time out of the house. I never witnessed any danger or threat of violence but it's no secret among any of you my parents didn't have the most harmonious of relationships. Just one of the points of contention was that he worked six days a week every week without fail. But on top of that I hardly remember him having any holidays or even a day off here or there. If he did it was a very s...